
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My first article in print media

I came home after a tiring day of my work routine. Freshened up. Opened my favorite thing, my lappy, visited the regular websites I check. Gmail, Orkut, Idlebrain...whoa...I saw my name in the review section. Today, 21 June 2010, I got one of the rare surprises anyone can get. It is not a surprise per se, but I was surprised. My review on the movie "Vedam" was published in one of the telugu film websites "Idlebrain".

I've sent my review few days back to Idlebrain and I completely forgot about that. I thought it was not going to be published since the director of the movie Krish had already posted his Postmortem on the movie. But, much to my glee it was published, though along with many others. It was nice to see my writing in a public website getting approved. The whole thing behind this happiness is not about getting my review published but achieving what I wanted.

The other thing about my review is the common point I found in my review and in Krish's Postmortem. I somehow felt that the 5 characters in the movie were related to the 5 elements of nature. Then, a couple of days later Krish confirmed this thought of mine, when he posted his postmortem in the same website. The difference being the assigning of the characters. But, still that analysis of mine being proved correct made me feel ecstatic.

Usually, surprises are given by others, but, this surprise was given by no one but still it was a surprise. My roomie told me that one of his friends, who happens to know me, called him and told him about this review. Good that some one knew before I told. Well, this is my first article in press. I hope in future more will be published.

The following is the link for my review.

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